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PassengerPassphrase Manager


Passenger: Passphrase Manager is a secure and open-source password manager that allows you to store your passphrases and secrets in your own cloud storage or desktop computer.

Designed to be simple and easy to use. Provides a simple and intuitive user interface. It is a cross-platform application so you can use it on your Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS devices. Also available as a web application, so you can access your passphrases from any device with a modern web browser.

Why Use Passenger?

There are many password managers available, so why use Passenger? Here are a few reasons:

Built by a nerd for nerds.

  • Open Source: You can verify the source code and build the application yourself. You can also contribute to the project.

  • Self-Hosted: You can store your passphrases in your own cloud storage or desktop computer.

  • Cloud is Optional: You can use Passenger without cloud storage. You can use it as a desktop app. So you may consider using a version control system to manage your encrypted passphrases. You can use Git or Mercurial.

  • Forces You to Be Secure: Passenger does not allow you to use weak passphrases. You cannot use a passphrase that is in the RockYou.txt file. Yes, your passphrase is checked against the brute-force dictionary lists. This means you are safe against 14 million passphrases in the list.

  • Self Employed Detective: Passenger is also a detective.

    • Checks for duplicate passphrases.
    • Checks passphrases for similar with username or email address.
    • Checks old passphrases that have not been changed for over a year.
    • Checks weak passphrases. 8 characters is the minimum acceptable length, but they are still considered weak.
    • Keeps you up to date with the latest data breaches.
    • Lets you know if any of your passphrases are in the leaked databases.